
English > Price

Written Translation:

Type Price
From Chinese to English RMB 230
From English to Chinese RMB 200
From Chinese to Japanese RMB 320
From Japanese to Chinese RMB 300
From Chinese to Korean, French and German RMB 350
From Korean, French and German to Chinese RMB 320
From Chinese to Portuguese RMB 450
From Portuguese to Chinese RMB 400


1. Statistics of words: Based on the numbers displayed in Word2000 (excluding space).
2. Attractive discount will be given to our long-term stable client or if the volume of translation is relatively big.
3. For translation from one foreign language to another foreign language, the fee will be charged based on the number of Latin words multiply by 2.
4. Additional 20% of the translation fee will be charged if the translation is urgent or uncommon specialty is involved.
5. Minimum RMB 100 will be charged for short document within 400 words (including driver’s license, diploma, etc.). Translation fee will be separately charged for short documents of other foreign languages.
6. RMB 30 will be charged for each spare document (printed and stamped) as required by customer.


Type English Japanese French/Germany/Korean
Accompanying interpretation (travel /fair/exhibition, etc.) RMB 800 /day RMB 1000/day RMB 900-1200 /day
Business negotiation/technical exchange RMB 1000 /day RMB 1200 /day RMB 1200-1500/day


1. 1. If the interpretation requires less than 4 hours, the fee of half day will be charged; if more than 4 hours but less than 8 hours, the fee of one day will be charged.
2. Extra fee will be charged for overtime based on the average fee per hour multiply by 1.5.
3. For business trip, the transportation and accommodation expenses of interpreter are on the account of the customer.
4. Interpretation is available for conservation.
5. The price is charged separately for interpretation of small foreign language or in special field. 