

時(shí)間:2020-02-07 12:54來源:原創(chuàng) 作者:珠海翻譯公司 點(diǎn)擊:

珠海化妝品翻譯    珠海翻譯   珠海翻譯公司

Enzyme Care Deep Clean Cleanser 80g
【深徹清潔  雙重保濕】
[Deep Clean, Dual Moisturizing]
The rich bean enzymes and olive oil ingredients contained in the fine lather can reduce skin irritation and clean the skin deep. The cleanser can further retain the water content in the skin through the safe moisturizing layer formed on the skin surface and the skin’s own water-retaining film, and leave the skin refreshingly tender and comfortable. 
酵素理膚潤(rùn)養(yǎng)水 100ml
Enzyme Care Nourisher 100ml
【保濕+提亮+彈力  通透有光澤】
[Moisturizing + Brightening + Elasticity-improving, Glowing Skin]
Rich in strongly water-binding nutritious and moisturizing enzymes, the moisturizing, brightening and elasticity-improving nourisher can maximally absorb the moisture in the air to maintain water-oil balance in the skin. Quickly replenishing water and nutrients to the dry skin surface, the essence-like nourisher can improve skin density and elasticity, enhance skin tone, and keep the skin energetic, elastic, healthy and glowing.
Enzyme Care Essence 30ml
【焦點(diǎn)透亮  水潤(rùn)充盈】
[Restore Clear, Moist Skin]
Free of Paraben preservatives, the low-irritation formula is milder and safer. Rich in bean enzymes and amino acids decomposed from proteins, the essence is skin affinitive, easy to apply and absorb to replenish skin nutrients. With better moisturizing result than hyaluronic acid, glutamic acid can have the water penetrate deep into the skin, restore moist skin, and keep the skin crystal clear over long-term use.
酵素理膚精華霜 50g
Enzyme Care Cream 50g
【改善暗沉  彈力滋養(yǎng)】
[Brighten and Nourish the Skin]
Easily absorbed by the skin, the fine cream can form a water-retaining film on the skin surface through the synergy of natural enzymes and β-glucans to constantly moisturize the skin and improve skin elasticity. The cream can further remove the wastes of the skin, prevent skin aging, and restore fair, young, glowing skin.

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