
看壩上 (連載) 2—木蘭圍場(chǎng)

時(shí)間:2019-11-25 11:09來(lái)源:原創(chuàng) 作者:珠海翻譯公司 點(diǎn)擊:

http://www.zhljl.com木蘭圍場(chǎng)    Mulan Royal Hunting Ground

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木蘭圍場(chǎng)位于河北省圍場(chǎng)縣最北端和內(nèi)蒙古克什騰旗交界處,全稱(chēng)塞罕壩國(guó)家森林公園。“塞罕Saihan”是蒙語(yǔ)美麗的意思,塞罕壩就是美麗草原之意。木蘭圍場(chǎng)離承德市150公里,整個(gè)圍獵場(chǎng)全部用木蘭圍起, l周長(zhǎng)750公里,占地面積10400平方公里,平均海拔1200米以上,地貌上屬內(nèi)蒙古高原的南緣與大興安嶺余脈的交接地帶,夏季最高氣溫一般不超過(guò)25OC,有夏季涼爽,秋季氣候多變的特點(diǎn)。木蘭圍場(chǎng)按照地形變化分成72處小圍,每年只在部分小圍內(nèi)狩獵,一年輪換一個(gè)地方,以便野獸繁殖。

Located at the intersection of the uttermost northern tip of Weichang County, Hebei Province and the Keshiteng Banner of Inner Mongolia, Mulan Royal Hunting Ground is named Saihanba National Forest Park in full. Saihan is the Mongolian word meaning beautiful and “Saihanba”means beautiful grassland. With a distance of 150 kilometers from Chengde City, the whole hunting ground is encircled by wooden fences, with a circumference of 750 kilometers.  It has an area of 10,400 square meters and its average sea level elevation is over 1,200 meters. Geographically, it belongs to the intersection area of the southern part of the Inner Mongolia plateau and the end mountain range of Daxing'anling.  With its summer highest temperature generally being lower than 25OC, it features cool summer and changeable autumn weather. Mulan Hunting Ground is divided into 72 small grounds depending on geographical changes. Hunting only takes place in parts of the small grounds, and it will shift to another ground each year so as to let the wild animals reproduce.
木蘭秋彌  “Mulan Qiu Mi”

公元1681年,清帝康熙為鍛煉軍隊(duì)、安撫邊疆,在現(xiàn)在塞旱壩的地方開(kāi)辟了一萬(wàn)多平方公里的狩獵場(chǎng) — 木欄圍場(chǎng),此后每年秋季舉行一次軍事色彩濃厚的狩獵活動(dòng),史稱(chēng)“木蘭秋彌”。 皇帝狩獵,四季都有固定的名稱(chēng),春天叫“春蒐 ”,夏天叫“夏苗”,秋天叫“秋彌”,冬天叫“冬狩”。在四季的狩獵中,以“木蘭秋彌”規(guī)模最大,不僅對(duì)其官員和八旗子弟進(jìn)行軍事拉練演習(xí),而且也是爭(zhēng)取、團(tuán)結(jié)各族人民,鞏固其統(tǒng)治地位和抵御外侵的政治示威。自公元1681年到公元1863年,康熙、乾隆、嘉慶三位皇帝在圍場(chǎng)舉行“木蘭秋彌”的次數(shù)就達(dá)到了110次之多。通過(guò)“木蘭秋彌”,起到了“肄武綏藩”、鞏固邊防的作用同時(shí)以其獨(dú)特的地位而載入史冊(cè)。

In 1681 AD, in order to temper the army and placate the border area, Emperor Kangxi opened a hunting ground known as Mulan Royal Hunting Ground with an area of more than 10,000 square meters in what is now the Saihan embankment. Since then, a hunting activity with strong military incarnations was held every autumn, known historically as “Mulan Qiu Mi”. The emperors had specific names for the hunting expeditions taking place in four seasons. In spring, it is called “Chun Sou”, in summer “Xia Miao”, in autumn “Qiu Mi” and in winter “Dong shou”. Among the hunting expeditions of four seasons, the scale of “Mulan Qiu Mi” was the biggest. The Mulan Qiu Mi activities sponsored by the Qing Dynasties not only provided their officials and the descendants of the Eight Banners System with military training and exercises, but they were also the political demonstrations to attract and unite peoples of all nationalities, consolidate their ruling positions and defend against foreign invasions. From 1681 AD to 1863 AD, the three emperors of Kangxi, Qianlong and Jiaqing held as many as 110 “Mulan Qiu Mi” in the hunting ground. “Mulan Qiu Mi” not only played the role of “Exercising military art and making peace with the barbarians” and consolidating the border defense, but it is also recorded into the historical records with its unique position.
聲勢(shì)浩蕩的木蘭行圍  Influential Mulan Royal Hunting

“Mulan” is a term in the language of the Manchu ethnic minority of Qing Army, meaning “whistling deer”. “Whistling deer” is in fact a hunting method of inducing killing. Compared with other enclosure hunting performed by the Qing army in other locations, the enclosure hunting established by Kangxi was most influential. After Autumnal Equinox of each year, the team of enclosure hunting hid in the dense forests before dawn. Wearing deer horn hats and dressed in deer fur coat, they blew long wooden whistles and imitated the sounds of the deer, tempting the deer herds into the raid enclosure so that they could shoot them when opportunities came; and this activity also served the purpose of drilling the army.

按康熙二十二年的規(guī)定,每年要以12000人的規(guī)模進(jìn)行“秋彌”活動(dòng) 。不僅“中央政府”各部官員必須參加,而且蒙古各部的王公貴族也要匯集到這里,隨班行圍連續(xù)進(jìn)行20天,其盛況空前。行圍期滿, 皇帝和王公貴族齊聚圍場(chǎng)南部的張三營(yíng),舉行盛大的慶功告別宴會(huì)。 飲酒歌舞、摔跤比武。宴會(huì)后,清帝再“宴賞”蒙古王公。由此可見(jiàn) ,木蘭圍場(chǎng)不僅是滿、蒙軍隊(duì)的大規(guī)模軍事活動(dòng),也是清中央政府與蒙古各部的一次盛大集會(huì),以達(dá)到結(jié)好全國(guó)各族上層人物,鞏固邊防的政治目的。

According to the stipulations in the 22nd year of Emperor Kangxi, the “autumn hunting activities” would be launched by 12,000 people. Not only  officials of the various ministries of the “Central Government” had to take part in them, but all the nobilities of various tribes of Mongolia had to assemble here; they must engage themselves in the enclosure hunting for 20 consecutive days in unprecedented scales. During the periods of enclosure hunting, emperors and nobilities assembled in the Zhangsan Camp in the southern part of the Royal Hunting Ground and held grand celebration and farewell banquets, during which they indulged themselves in drinking, dancing, and wrestling for military strengths. After the banquets, the Qing emperors would grant the Mongolian nobilities with “Rewarding banquets” again. From here it can be seen that Mulan Royal Hunting Expedition was not only a large scale military activity, but also a grand assemblage of the Central government of Qing Dynasty and the various tribes of Mongolia aimed at achieving the political purpose of uniting of Manchu and Mongolian ethnic minorities and consolidating the border defense.